Bra recention av nya BB som ser ut som ett kalkigt futuristiskt polskt sunkhak.
Jag har svårt att förstå hur någon kan rasera en så trevlig bar/resturang.
För BB var inget riktigt sunkhak, det var ett speciellt trevligt ställe.
Nu är det som vilken annan random 90-talsbar med självlysande bardisk.
Nedan Krogkommissionen från Dagens Nyheter:
Ta det kallt innan du bestämmer dig för nya Bistro Bohème.
En bra kock älskar sin kniv, sägs det. På Bistro Bohème verkar det i stället vara kylarna som väcker varma känslor hos kökspersonalen. En ny subkultur i krogbranschen? Konceptet tycks vara att servera maten så nära fryspunkten som det bara är möjligt. Så har vi till exempel fått frostnupna tomater (som skulle vara ugnsbakade enligt menyn) till den brända bruschettan, en kulen förrättsbakelse med färskost, och näst intill bottenfrusna såser till de grillade, ljumma köttbitarna.
Kanske har de nya ägarna varit alltför bokstavstrogna i sin ambition att förvandla rustika Bistro Boheme till ”cool” designkrog. I våras uppstod en mindre folkstorm på Facebook när man aviserade att den franska arkitekten Guy Monseaus postmoderna pastellinredning skulle slängas i containern. Ägarna backade tillfälligt, men nu har hela rasket slängts ut.
Lokalen är visserligen renare och fräschare än någonsin, men också mer opersonlig. Kultiga Bistro har blivit en turistfälla i mängden på vimliga Drottninggatan. De i sig vackra marmorväggarna bildar tillsammans med flygande (mar)drömmar i form av blaffiga vita takkronor och hårt ljus en iskall miljö med helvetisk akustik. Syntmuzak på repeat sänker temperaturen ytterligare. Och maten, ja den är som sagt i kallaste laget.
Den ovannämnda bruschettan (98 kr) är ett uppenbart bottennapp, ett par skrynkliga skivor kylskåpskall serranoskinka slängda i en hög bredvid det vidbrända brödet och de likaledes väl kylda tomaterna. Det enda som smakar bra på den tallriken är saltet på grönsalladen.
Smördegsbakelsen (125 kr) är degig, geggig och på det hela tag et en rätt läskig kvarleva från 70-talet. Den serveras med (kall) grillad sparris och ett (kallt) Virgin Mary-shot à part. ”But whoåaj”? som Jonas Hallberg brukade fråga besökande popartister i gamla ”Måndagsbörsen”.
Bland de tjeckiska klassiker som finns kvar i menyn har vi testat pragerschnitzel (136 kr). Inte dyrt men vad hjälper det när det inte heller smakar gott. Det är en pappersmasseliknande utbankad skiva griskött – ungefär lika mör som Charlie Chaplins skosula – med ful och trist panering, ”tjeckisk” potatissallad med ärter som tappat färg och smak av dijonsenap som inte hör dit.
Den grillade kalvryggen (209 kr) ska enligt menyn serveras med ”färsk” oreganorostad sparrispotatis och en kall syrlig honungs- och tomatconcasse. Potatisen är emellertid spansk färskpotatis så vitt vi kan bedöma, och såsen sätter inte direkt fart på smaklökarna. Det gör inte heller den prydligt skivade kalven, som är lätt rosa, lätt ljummen och lätt glömd (219 kr).
Servitrisen bryr sig inte om att fråga hur gästen vill ha sin oxfilé för 260 kronor, men den kommer lyckligtvis in med en blodröd kärna. Inte fullt ut prisvärd, men ändå ett av de säkrare korten. Serveras med valfri potatis och sås, vår barbecuesås var god, men – rätt gissat – snorkall.
Citrongräs- och ingefärasotad biff med asiatiskt inspirerad vårlöksdressing (136 kr) visar sig faktiskt vara fria fantasier. Rätten består i själva verket av fullkomligt likstelt nötkött i skivor. Det är iskallt (surprise!), ser närmast gravat ut och är översaltat. I övrigt består rätten av fräscha salladsblad av olika sort, gurka, tomat och en tartarliknande sås i separat kopp.
Uppläggen är genomgående 90-talistiska, med konstfullt spritsad brun fond på det vita porslinet. Vinutbudet på glas är extremt torftigt: chardonnay, saftrosé, chilensk cab och ett hyfsat shiraz. Ölsortimentet är betydligt bättre, ett arv som man värnat om tillsammans med gulaschsoppan och den friterade osten. Men vad spelar det för roll när det var atmosfären och stammisarna som lyfte gamla Bistro ur sunkkrogsträsket.
Baba med sommarens bär och gammaldags vaniljkräm (78 kr) är inte oäven men nykteristvarianten av den syndiga, romdränkta gudaspisen. Vaniljkrämen anar man dessvärre bara, desto generösare är det med vispgrädde.
Publiken är cityblandad, med ölhävande grabbgäng, teaterturister och enstaka par som ser ut att hoppas på en romantisk middag. Taskiga odds med tanke på att erotiska vibbar är temperaturkänsliga. Vid ett av våra besök vandrar gästerna vid bordet intill demonstrativt fram till bardisken och lämnar tillbaka sina tallrikar. Hade Krogkommissionen inte varit ute på jobb hade vi gärna följt i deras fotspår.
Källa Krogkommissionen:
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Hittade den här och udrade varför man sätter en mustach i en tallrik.
Om man dricker ur tallriken får man ju mustachen i munnen, och inte ovanför där mustacher brukar sitta.
En kokainskål tänkte jag då för tunga kokainmissbrukare som drar i sig skålvis av knark.
Men sen såg jag att det var två fåglar :P
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I morrn är det fest.
1. Nya spishällen kommer hem.
2. Har PU samtal med ny chef.
3. Biljetter till filmfestivalen släpps.
4. Det är onsdag. Halvvägs till lön & helg.
1 & 3 är kul.
2 är intressant, nya osten är konflikträdd men vill ändå toppstyra avdelningen. En rätt wierd combo. Ska se om det går att få något vettigt ur honom eller om han bara sitter och är rädd och säger nu är det så här och då är det det. Typ, goddag ryggskott svar.
Ja, man får se.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
En av dom bästa tv serierna ever och orsaken till att jag ser ut som jag gör.
You know you watch too much M*A*S*H when...
* you've seen every episode at least 10 times.
* you can't go a day without watching M*A*S*H.
* you make chopper noises in your sleep.
* you wear army fatigues and you're not even in the army. Check
* you named your room "The Swamp"
* you refer to your dining room as the mess tent.
* you tell your kids there's a mine field in the backyard.
* you plan a trip to Tokyo on your day off. Check
* you name your kids Trapper and Hawkeye.
* you start dreaming about it at night.
* at dinner, you request "2 units of liver and fish - STAT."
* you pay $50 bucks to have your phone number changed so the last 4 numbers are "4077"
* you can't look at nearby mountains without humming "Suicide is Painless" and waiting for the choppers to show up
* you're at the hospital and you look for nurses named Margaret and doctors named Hawkeye
* the theme song brings a tear to your eye.
* you're a man who walks around in a dress begging for a section eight and your not even in the army.
* you walk across the street wearing a red bathrobe looking for the showers.
* you wear a cowboy hat with your tuxedo
* you cry whenever you see the last episode of M*A*S*H and just wish it wouldn't finish.
* every time you hear a helicopter you look to the sky and wonder why you don't hear music.
* you ask the waitress where the men's latrine is.
* when you hear the weatherman say the word "Radar" you quickly look at the TV and are disappointed to see the regular weatherman.
* you swear that martinis are your favorite drink. Check
* you build a still from memory.
* you call your boss 'colonel' and salute him/her.
* you call your local pub 'the officers club'.
* you order a jeep instead of a taxi.
* you expect the incoming bus to be full of wounded but is instead full of passengers.
* in a restaurant or at home, you want your meal served on a tray instead of plates.
* you answer phone calls with '4077th MASH' instead of 'Hello'.
* you smell all your food before you eat it.
* you install a loudspeaker in your home to communicate with the family.
* you yell, "mail call," when the mail is delivered.
* when you sign your name in all capitals with asterisks between each letter.
* when you look at your husbands combat boots and they remind you of Hawkeye's'
* when you sign your checks with Alan Alda or you sign your name as a person from the show.
* when you call the Operator and ask "Sparky" to place a stateside call and offer him a can of chipped beef if he'll do it.
* when you have your own still in the living room
* when you say "Ahhh, Bach" whenever you hear classic music
* when everything seems to be "highly significant"
* when you see a horse and you wonder if her name is Sophie.
* you name your guinea-pigs Babbett,
* when you swear you say H.E. double toothpicks.
* when you walk into a bar and order a Grape Ne-Hi
* when your convinced suicide IS painless.
* when you start naming inanimate objects after characters.
* when someone makes a joke, you say that you're not in the mood for "jocularity."
* when your wardrobe consists of nothing but Hawaiian shirts.
* when you refer to your knife and fork as a scalpel and retractor.
* whenever you ask for time off work, you ask for a weekend pass in Tokyo.
* when you only feel comfortable making out in a supply room.
* you never stop bitching about the food whenever you're at an all-you-can-eat-buffet.
* you talk about M*A*S*H in your sleep
* you order 3 cases of chocolate at the finest chocolate makers in Boston every Christmas, even though you don't even live in Boston
* your children have to watch M*A*S*H as a part of their education
* you can't sleep if you haven't seen M*A*S*H that day
* you turn on the tv and you expect to see M*A*S*H on, no matter what time it is
* you expect everybody knows it and likes it Check
* you refuse to carry a gun, even if no-one expects you to do so
* you can't make out without watching M*A*S*H
* you hang a sign on your door saying: 'the swamp' or 'major M.Houlihan, knock before entering'
* you sleep with a teddybear, which you got from your brother, who was a boxboy in a supermarket.
* you are disappointed when you run into a priest that doesn't box
* you refuse to wear your captain's bars, even though you haven't got any
* you complain about being drafted, even though you're not in the army.
* you know the serial numbers of all the M*A*S*H characters by heart.
* you wear dogtags with your or a character's name, rank, bloodgroup and serial number.
* your room is decorated with pictures from M*A*S*H.
* you pay a million bucks to have a Korean houseboy called Ho-Jon
* you drink 2 martini's for breakfast
* you spend the last half-hour making up dumb obsessions for the M*A*S*H-homepage
* you refuse to respond to anything but Hawkeye or Hot Lips
* you take cold showers for the fun of it
* you call the bar tender Rosie
* you call your waiter Igor
* you call every receptionist Radar or Klinger
* you wear combat boots with everything you own and you wear them wherever you go
* you have a tower of tongue depressors on display in your living room
* you have sock puppets that look like all the characters
* if, to punish your children, instead of sending them to their room, you 'confine them to quarters.'
* when you pull down your pants, and slide on the ice.
* instead of quitting your job, you say you resign your commission.
* if you record the episodes on audio tape and play them in the car while driving.
* when you swear you have an imaginary friend named "Tuttle"
* you have a rack of spam for every easter.
* when you call all the people you don't like "Ferret-Face".
* When you put your clothes in a footlocker at the bottom of your bed instead of in the dresser.
* when you set up a tent in your bedroom equipped with cots, a still and a few roommates and call it the swamp.
* why you keep wondering if your money is counterfeit because it green and not red.
* you wear fishing lures on every hat you own.
* you brush your teeth with water you pour into a helmet.
* instead of taking the promotion at work from bag boy to Manager, you tell your boss, "just promote me to Corporal Captain, and we'll call it even."
* you're fired at air traffic control for re-routing all planes because of sightings of a large bird with pink feet in the area.
* If you call your mom 'Hotlips' and your father 'Frank'
* when you are sleep-deprived from staying up until 1am every night just to see an episode you've already seen 5 times. Check
* you look to buy stock in a company called 'Pioneer Aviation'
* while ordering breakfast at the local diner you say, 'I'll have two
scrambled powdered eggs and a slice of WW2 surplus bread, and don't make it tasty.'
* you no longer watch tv since your station stopped showing M*A*S*H
* you practice putting in your quarters
* you cringe when you hear the name Frank
* you eat SPAM even though you don't like it and aren't forced to eat it
* for Halloween you are either Super Man or a clown
* if no matter who you're writing to, your letters all begin with "Dear Sigmund".
* you know you're obsessed when you spend your vacation watching your uncles MASH videos because you don't have a station near your house that carries it.
* you yell "incoming" when your mother-in-law comes to visit
* your ultimate dream is to be able to turn on the t.v. at anytime and have a M*A*S*H episode be on.
* if you had enough money, you would buy a t.v. station and create theM*A*S*H channel, all M*A*S*H, all the time.
* When you begin to call your friends "B.J.", "Trapper", "Radar", or "Margaret".
* you holler at the waiter for telling you the day's specials are liver and fish
* you dress in Army green pants and either a Hawaiian shirt or kaki T-shirt everyday Check
* your last wish is to be buried with a copy of GFA
* you'll do anything to see a movie called "The Moon is Blue"
* you'll only eat if the recipe came from "Secrets of the M*A*S*H Mess"
* When you begin to refer to you parents as "Colonel Father, sir" and "Major Mom, ma'am".
* if you know a five letter Yiddish word for bedbug.
* when you see a sign that says "Speed checked by radar" and you start looking for a short guy wearing glasses....
* when you haven't left your seat for a couple weeks because you keep watching MASH videos
* when you use bedpans instead of toilets in your house
* when you download every MASH sound off of the internet
* when you insist on using your brother Wendal's birth certificate to get drafted
* when you have sex in liver and onions
* when you have a servant that you insist on calling Young-Hi
* when you mail a jeep piece by piece to anywhere in the world
* You went out and bought a copy of 'The Last of the Mohicans' just to add to your MASH related video(or book) collection.
* you let your son name his ferret Frank.
* you actually sat and watched EVERY episode of MASH in order from start to finish in a single sitting.
* whenever you hear the term "chief surgeon" or "head nurse", you immediately think of Hawkeye or Margaret
* when you dig foxholes in your yard in case of an air-raid
* when the sound of a sputtering airplane scares you because you think it's 5 o'clock Charlie
* if you actually made it to the end of this list....
* you've seen every episode at least 10 times.
* you can't go a day without watching M*A*S*H.
* you make chopper noises in your sleep.
* you wear army fatigues and you're not even in the army. Check
* you named your room "The Swamp"
* you refer to your dining room as the mess tent.
* you tell your kids there's a mine field in the backyard.
* you plan a trip to Tokyo on your day off. Check
* you name your kids Trapper and Hawkeye.
* you start dreaming about it at night.
* at dinner, you request "2 units of liver and fish - STAT."
* you pay $50 bucks to have your phone number changed so the last 4 numbers are "4077"
* you can't look at nearby mountains without humming "Suicide is Painless" and waiting for the choppers to show up
* you're at the hospital and you look for nurses named Margaret and doctors named Hawkeye
* the theme song brings a tear to your eye.
* you're a man who walks around in a dress begging for a section eight and your not even in the army.
* you walk across the street wearing a red bathrobe looking for the showers.
* you wear a cowboy hat with your tuxedo
* you cry whenever you see the last episode of M*A*S*H and just wish it wouldn't finish.
* every time you hear a helicopter you look to the sky and wonder why you don't hear music.
* you ask the waitress where the men's latrine is.
* when you hear the weatherman say the word "Radar" you quickly look at the TV and are disappointed to see the regular weatherman.
* you swear that martinis are your favorite drink. Check
* you build a still from memory.
* you call your boss 'colonel' and salute him/her.
* you call your local pub 'the officers club'.
* you order a jeep instead of a taxi.
* you expect the incoming bus to be full of wounded but is instead full of passengers.
* in a restaurant or at home, you want your meal served on a tray instead of plates.
* you answer phone calls with '4077th MASH' instead of 'Hello'.
* you smell all your food before you eat it.
* you install a loudspeaker in your home to communicate with the family.
* you yell, "mail call," when the mail is delivered.
* when you sign your name in all capitals with asterisks between each letter.
* when you look at your husbands combat boots and they remind you of Hawkeye's'
* when you sign your checks with Alan Alda or you sign your name as a person from the show.
* when you call the Operator and ask "Sparky" to place a stateside call and offer him a can of chipped beef if he'll do it.
* when you have your own still in the living room
* when you say "Ahhh, Bach" whenever you hear classic music
* when everything seems to be "highly significant"
* when you see a horse and you wonder if her name is Sophie.
* you name your guinea-pigs Babbett,
* when you swear you say H.E. double toothpicks.
* when you walk into a bar and order a Grape Ne-Hi
* when your convinced suicide IS painless.
* when you start naming inanimate objects after characters.
* when someone makes a joke, you say that you're not in the mood for "jocularity."
* when your wardrobe consists of nothing but Hawaiian shirts.
* when you refer to your knife and fork as a scalpel and retractor.
* whenever you ask for time off work, you ask for a weekend pass in Tokyo.
* when you only feel comfortable making out in a supply room.
* you never stop bitching about the food whenever you're at an all-you-can-eat-buffet.
* you talk about M*A*S*H in your sleep
* you order 3 cases of chocolate at the finest chocolate makers in Boston every Christmas, even though you don't even live in Boston
* your children have to watch M*A*S*H as a part of their education
* you can't sleep if you haven't seen M*A*S*H that day
* you turn on the tv and you expect to see M*A*S*H on, no matter what time it is
* you expect everybody knows it and likes it Check
* you refuse to carry a gun, even if no-one expects you to do so
* you can't make out without watching M*A*S*H
* you hang a sign on your door saying: 'the swamp' or 'major M.Houlihan, knock before entering'
* you sleep with a teddybear, which you got from your brother, who was a boxboy in a supermarket.
* you are disappointed when you run into a priest that doesn't box
* you refuse to wear your captain's bars, even though you haven't got any
* you complain about being drafted, even though you're not in the army.
* you know the serial numbers of all the M*A*S*H characters by heart.
* you wear dogtags with your or a character's name, rank, bloodgroup and serial number.
* your room is decorated with pictures from M*A*S*H.
* you pay a million bucks to have a Korean houseboy called Ho-Jon
* you drink 2 martini's for breakfast
* you spend the last half-hour making up dumb obsessions for the M*A*S*H-homepage
* you refuse to respond to anything but Hawkeye or Hot Lips
* you take cold showers for the fun of it
* you call the bar tender Rosie
* you call your waiter Igor
* you call every receptionist Radar or Klinger
* you wear combat boots with everything you own and you wear them wherever you go
* you have a tower of tongue depressors on display in your living room
* you have sock puppets that look like all the characters
* if, to punish your children, instead of sending them to their room, you 'confine them to quarters.'
* when you pull down your pants, and slide on the ice.
* instead of quitting your job, you say you resign your commission.
* if you record the episodes on audio tape and play them in the car while driving.
* when you swear you have an imaginary friend named "Tuttle"
* you have a rack of spam for every easter.
* when you call all the people you don't like "Ferret-Face".
* When you put your clothes in a footlocker at the bottom of your bed instead of in the dresser.
* when you set up a tent in your bedroom equipped with cots, a still and a few roommates and call it the swamp.
* why you keep wondering if your money is counterfeit because it green and not red.
* you wear fishing lures on every hat you own.
* you brush your teeth with water you pour into a helmet.
* instead of taking the promotion at work from bag boy to Manager, you tell your boss, "just promote me to Corporal Captain, and we'll call it even."
* you're fired at air traffic control for re-routing all planes because of sightings of a large bird with pink feet in the area.
* If you call your mom 'Hotlips' and your father 'Frank'
* when you are sleep-deprived from staying up until 1am every night just to see an episode you've already seen 5 times. Check
* you look to buy stock in a company called 'Pioneer Aviation'
* while ordering breakfast at the local diner you say, 'I'll have two
scrambled powdered eggs and a slice of WW2 surplus bread, and don't make it tasty.'
* you no longer watch tv since your station stopped showing M*A*S*H
* you practice putting in your quarters
* you cringe when you hear the name Frank
* you eat SPAM even though you don't like it and aren't forced to eat it
* for Halloween you are either Super Man or a clown
* if no matter who you're writing to, your letters all begin with "Dear Sigmund".
* you know you're obsessed when you spend your vacation watching your uncles MASH videos because you don't have a station near your house that carries it.
* you yell "incoming" when your mother-in-law comes to visit
* your ultimate dream is to be able to turn on the t.v. at anytime and have a M*A*S*H episode be on.
* if you had enough money, you would buy a t.v. station and create theM*A*S*H channel, all M*A*S*H, all the time.
* When you begin to call your friends "B.J.", "Trapper", "Radar", or "Margaret".
* you holler at the waiter for telling you the day's specials are liver and fish
* you dress in Army green pants and either a Hawaiian shirt or kaki T-shirt everyday Check
* your last wish is to be buried with a copy of GFA
* you'll do anything to see a movie called "The Moon is Blue"
* you'll only eat if the recipe came from "Secrets of the M*A*S*H Mess"
* When you begin to refer to you parents as "Colonel Father, sir" and "Major Mom, ma'am".
* if you know a five letter Yiddish word for bedbug.
* when you see a sign that says "Speed checked by radar" and you start looking for a short guy wearing glasses....
* when you haven't left your seat for a couple weeks because you keep watching MASH videos
* when you use bedpans instead of toilets in your house
* when you download every MASH sound off of the internet
* when you insist on using your brother Wendal's birth certificate to get drafted
* when you have sex in liver and onions
* when you have a servant that you insist on calling Young-Hi
* when you mail a jeep piece by piece to anywhere in the world
* You went out and bought a copy of 'The Last of the Mohicans' just to add to your MASH related video(or book) collection.
* you let your son name his ferret Frank.
* you actually sat and watched EVERY episode of MASH in order from start to finish in a single sitting.
* whenever you hear the term "chief surgeon" or "head nurse", you immediately think of Hawkeye or Margaret
* when you dig foxholes in your yard in case of an air-raid
* when the sound of a sputtering airplane scares you because you think it's 5 o'clock Charlie
* if you actually made it to the end of this list....
Inte en helt perfekt lista, rätt boring, men det finns några punkter som jag måste förbättra mig på.
Over and out...
[Suicide is Painless]
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